
Match Results 11-08-2008
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Onslaught goes undefeated against Halos !!

Submitted by:  Wade Moore


On this day, the weather decided to realize it was November and cold swept over the field.  The paint didn’t much like the cold weather as well as most of the markers looked like Wagner power sprayers!


The Halos were coming off of a well played game against Tremor and Onslaught was looking to close out their season without a loss.  For Onslaught they fielded two players that had not played in 2008 and one of them had not even picked up a marker in 11 years.  Kenny Hatton and Bob Partain made their SIPA debuts on this day.

Onslaught won first offensive possession and looked good as Bob and Kenny sprayed the field with paint and made moves up the field.  But after that, the Halos made Onslaughts day a hard one at the office!  The Halos started moving up the field and cutting the angles for Onslaught down to nothing.  Their fire power kept Onslaught from moving up the field and scored several eliminations.


But as a rookie team, they had trouble finishing match points.  On two different occasions the Halos were up 3 bodies to 1 Onslaught and could not finish it out.  Marker malfunctions due to the cold weather kept Troy Graham of the Halos from bunkering Wade Moore of Onslaught.  Wade didn’t even know Troy was coming for him in the snake until the time ran out.  To say the least when Wade saw Troy standing on the other side of his bunker, you could see Wades eyes bug out in his goggles!  If you’ve seen Wade, you know that is no easy feat as his eyes are smaller than most oriental folks!

Once Tyler Johnson made great snake move but was not as aggressive as he had been, later he realized what an opportunity he had missed as he should have pushed more.  All of Halos players played really good, but one player, "Ziggy" really stood out on this day as his trigger finger, great flanking moves, and his accuracy made Onslaughts day rough!  For the Halos they end the season without a win, but they are extremely improved and look like a team to look out for in 2009.   If the Halos played the other teams again this year, I am betting that they would win some matches.  We cannot put into words the improvement this team has shown in such little time.  The two Church teams don’t even get to practice and still they are pushing the "veteran" teams to the limit.


Onslaught finishes the year 5-0 and will be crowned the 2008 SIPA league Champions on November 16th.

Onslaught (5 - 0)                              GW Halos  (0 - 5)

Won:  4 – 0                                                      Lost:  0 – 4

Offensive Possessions - 7                                 Offensive possessions - 7
scores - 4                                                         Scores - 0
Defensive Chances - 7                                      Defensive Chances - 7
Defensive Stops - 7                                          Defensive Stops - 3
Flag Scores:                                                     Flag Scores:

Wade Moore – 2                                             None

Bob Partain – 2

All website content is owned entirely by the SIPA organization and it's members, including logos, pictures, game format, and other content and may not be used without permission of the SIPA league.  Copyright 2007.