
Match Results 11-16-2008
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Hitmen Edge out Tremor in final bout of the season!


Hitmen  (3 – 2)                                 Tremor  (3 – 2)

Won:  3 – 2                                                     Lost:  2 – 3

Offensive Possessions – 7                                Offensive possessions – 7
Scores – 3                                                       Scores – 2
Defensive Chances – 7                                     Defensive Chances – 7
Defensive Stops – 5                                         Defensive Stops – 4
Flag Scores:                                                     Flag Scores:

David Morse – 3                                              Mat Canon – 1

                                                                        Bearet Edgarton – 1

All website content is owned entirely by the SIPA organization and it's members, including logos, pictures, game format, and other content and may not be used without permission of the SIPA league.  Copyright 2007.