Dr. Ron Stollings

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The fact that many people living on fixed incomes must choose between buying food or medicine is one of the bigger problems facing not only this area, but the entire state. Something has to be done to make prescription drugs more affordable. I’m determined to try.


One of the reasons many people wind up in the hospital is because they don’t take their medicine. People cut back and don’t take it the way they are supposed to and end up in the hospital. That puts more strain not only on the whole health care system, but on the families of these patients.


In this day and age no one should have to do without their medicine if they simply can’t afford to buy it. As a doctor I hear these stories all the time and when I’m elected to the state senate, I’m committed to doing my best to help solve this problem. Sometimes problems look too great to overcome. I happen to believe that where there is a will, there is a way. I’ll work to find it.


People are living longer than ever and more has to be done to make certain their lives are comfortable and secure. Nothing could be more important than making it possible for certain people to have the medicine they need. That’s where government is failing. We need to change that and we need to change it right now.
