I recently acquired a beautiful '79 SZD 42-2 Jantar 2B sailplane.
I'm in the process of getting her licensed now--only a few here in the US. 2B performance is on a par with Nimbus
II's, ASW-17's etc. 4-piece wing, 20.5 meter span and 50:1, CNav 40 etc. Stand by for news.
I love gliders, yessir, I really do, but we've been so busy teaching folks how fly and maintaining their airplanes I just
haven't had any time to do any soaring...sigh :>( ..or get this beauty flying. She just needs a shine (lacquer
finish--no cracked gel coat), install the new canopy glass (included) and go flying! Low time, but needs a loving home.
Asking $10K and worth it--COME AND GET IT BEFORE I CHANGE MY MIND! •
Contact Jerry Painter - WILD BLUE AVIATION, located Arlington, WA USA • Telephone: 425-876-0865
