The Conklin Hotel, located on the north side of Miller Street at the end of Main Street |
The villages of Conklin,
Lisbon, and Six Corners all contained hotels. The hotel in Lisbon was owned by Lorenzo Chubb, then later by his son, George Chubb.*
The hotel in Six Corners was owned by Albert V. Hayden.* E. F. Lillie
built the hotel in Conklin. It was located on Miller Street at the north end of
Main Street.**
William Asman purchased the
Conklin Hotel in 1902. An article in the November
4, 1902, Grand Haven Tribune, states,
“Wm Asman will have a big opening ball at the Conklin
Hotel he recently became manager of on Thanksgiving Eve." Another article in
the January 21, 1903 edition of the same paper, states, “Circuit Court-Wm Asman the old Grand Haven baker was arraigned
in circuit court yesterday charged in violation of the liquor laws.....Asman recently bought a hotel at Conklin and had been
there but a few days." From a 1907 brief mention in the same paper, it is know
that Mr. Asman still owned the hotel in 1907, "Wm Asman, the Conklin Hotel Keeper, was in this city Saturday."
Quartermas and Sam Weber owned the hotel in 1918, as they are listed as such in the 1918, Farm
Journal Illustrated Directory of Ottawa County, Michigan - Business Directory. The hotel
contained a dining room and a bar for the convenience of guests and those people living in the area. The hotel also had a ballroom and held dances and parties of various types on a regular basis.
*1864 Plat Map List of Businesses
**1892 Conklin Classified
Business Directory