The following rhyme is from
an ad for W. A. Lovelace Dry Goods
"Come to me for
Dry Goods, your hosiery and your sox.
Come to me for all your
shoes, in new toes, plain or box.
Come to me for notions, your buttons or your pins.
Come to me for underwear,
whether thicks or thins.
Come to me for crockery, your saucers, cups or plates.
Come to me for hats and
caps, all of recent dates.
Bring me your butter, also bring your eggs.
Take in exchange a pair
of pants to cover up your legs.
To make a long, long story short, your eggs and butter bring
And come to me for what
you want, I keep most everything.
And one thing more of great importance, I never forget to utter,
If I have not mentioned
it before, I want your eggs and butter."