Chester Township History & Genealogy
Village and Vicinity 08-04-1911
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Village and Vicinity

C. R. Bishop is building a barn.

Roger Dehart of Ravenna was in town Tuesday

Miss Gladys Bunker spent the week end with friends in Grand Rapids.

Mrs. Henry Ade spent a few days with her mother in Grand Rapids last week.

McNitt and Castenholtz loaded and shipped a car load of cattle Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Bunker visited with relatives and friends over Sunday in Fremont.

Mrs. Henry Wiltenburg and daughter Ora were in Grand Rapids Wednesday visiting friends.

Mrs. J. R. Bennett and children spent Friday with her mother, Mrs. Catherine Harrison at Ravenna.

Mrs. Frank Haas and son spent Thursday with her friend Miss Hazel Doubleday of Ravenna.

Little Fern Cazier fell out of a chair Monday, cutting a gash over her left eye requiring several stitches.

The L. O. T. M. M. [Ladies of The Modern Maccabees] entertainment Saturday evening was a big success every way.  The receipts were $32.00.

Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Cazier on Wednesday attended the Tuttle and Walcott picnic held at Reed’s Lake, Grand Rapids.

While attending Field Day just spend a little time browsing around among those big 10 cent bargains at Smith Mercantile Co’s store.

Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Pratt are spending the week with relatives in Muskegon.  Mr. Pratt, who is carrier on Route one is taking his annual vacation.

Mr. and Mrs. Ray Irish of Grand Rapids, and Mr. A. W. Irish and son Orrin, of Coopersville, visited C. R. Bishop and family last Saturday.

Miss Beulah Moore, Elocutionist, will give a recital in the Congregational church, Friday evening Aug. 18.  Good music.  A silver collection will be taken.

Mrs. Jane McGinnis returned to her daughter’s, Mrs. Oscar DeVall at Ravenna Friday, after spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Wm. DeVall.

Word has been received here of the birth of a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Turner at Great Falls, Mont.  Mrs. Turner was formerly Miss Audra Conklin of Conklin.

Mr. and Mrs. F. Schinet and children, Eveline and Luella, of Chicago, and Miss Anna Loseh and Miss Gertrude Laris of Chicago are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Christenson.

A large number of the members of the Congregational church were the guests of their former pastor F. W. Sass and family at Muskegon, Tuesday.  They enjoyed a good fellowship picnic at Lake Michigan park.

Mesdames Julia Parmenter and W. A. Lovelace are delegates from the local hive to the Maccabee Association which will be held in Grand Rapids Saturday.  Members of the local drill team will compete in the grand drill for prizes.  Here’s hoping they win.

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stonehouse accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. John Orlop of Casnovia spent a part of Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Summer Chittenden at Berlin.  Mr. and Mrs. Orlop will remain for a few days and then return to Conklin, for a further visit.

Mrs. Geo. Brown is in the vicinity visiting her sister and who with her husband and daughter Edith will attend the Schiffler family reunion at Henry Hendershot’s.  They will also celebrate their sixteenth wedding anniversary on the same date, which will also be held at the Hendershot home.

Emil Mangold of Grand Rapids and Miss Melva Rogers formerly of this vicinity were married at Coopersville, Wednesday afternoon.  Mr. and Mrs. Mangold were given a wedding supper at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Milo Rogers.  Only the immediate members of the family were present with the exception of an uncle, Wm. Rogers of Lamont.  Mr. and Mrs. Mangold will reside at 107 Logan Street, Grand Rapids.

Harold Stockhill who has been very ill for this past two weeks is slowly improving.

Mr. and Mrs. T. Thrall entertained their brother and family of Grand Rapids Sunday.

Mr. E. F. Eisnach of Grand Rapids spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. Christenson.

John Merrick has returned from an extended visit with relatives in Toledo and Fremont, Ohio.

Claude Bishop and Miss Hazel Canter spent Saturday, Sunday and Monday with relatives at Shelby.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. DeVall and children spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Oscar DeVall near Ravenna.

Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Turner of Coopersville were Sunday guests of their daughter Mrs. Albert Umlor.

Mr. and Mrs. N. Denhof entertained with a dinner Sunday, their daughters and families from Grand Rapids.

Ravenna will have a new high school building costing $10,000.  When will Conklin get her high school building?

The Beuscher school house picnic has been postponed to Thursday, Aug. 17.  Those interested please tell you friends.

Mrs. Augusta Cassety, Misses Cilia Emmons and Alice Bishop, attended the funeral of Mrs. Electa Twiss of Casnovia Sunday.

If you get hungry and want a lunch or want a cool cream soda Field Day call at Norton’s restaurant.  Read their ad on page four.

Miss Sophie Ade, who has been at Burnips Corners the past three weeks nursing Mrs. C. Gordon, has returned home, leaving her much improved.

A third edition of the illustrated magazine, “Western Michigan, Fruit with Flavor,” is to be published this fall in time for the first Michigan Land and Apple show to be held in Grand Rapids No. 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11.  The magazine will consist of forty pages with a cover in three colors.  The publication will be illustrated by an entirely new set of cuts.

Chester Township
Ottawa County
Michigan, USA