Forgotten Realms

Personality Traits

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Personality Traits
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This page contains a list of individual personality traits that a player can apply to a character.

For more game information, please contact me or refer to page 86 of Unearthed Arcana. Remember, with game benefits of a trait, there are also game drawbacks.

These traits are optional. The idea here is to look at the list of traits and use one (or more) to help build the character's background.

1. Abrasive
2. Absent-Minded
3. Aggressive
4. Brawler
5. Cautious
6. Detached
7. Dishonest
8. Distinctive
9. Easygoing
10. Farsighted
11. Focused
12. Hard of Hearing
13. Hardy
14. Honest
15. Illiterate
16. Inattentive
17. Musclebound
18. Nearsighted
19. Nightsighted
20. Passionate
21. Plucky
22. Polite
23. Quick
24. Reckless
25. Relentless
26. Saddleborn
27. Skinny
28. Slippery
29. Slow
30. Specialized
31. Spellgifted
32. Stout
33. Suspicious
34. Torpid
35. Uncivilized