Forgotten Realms

Class Ability Substitutions, Feats & Spells

Human Ethnic Groups
Other Races and Sub-Races
Classes & Prestige Classes
Class Ability Substitutions, Feats & Spells
Personality Traits
Tips for Character History

Here, I briefly touch upon the other miscellaneous character features.
On this page I have attached one file.  It is the Product Key that lists only those books that I personally own. Not all the products listed contain class ability substitutions, feats and/or spells.  However, for those that do, players are free to choose any of these features detailed in that product. 
As with classes and PrCs, players might be interested in material from books that I do not have.  Again, bring me a photocopy or email me the complete write-up from the source material.  Please use only published 3.5 edition D&D or d20 fantasy (third party) products.  I do not accept personal and/or unpublished creations.  And, just like Classes & PrCs, I will need to review it to determine feasibility within the campaign.

Product Key