Forgotten Realms

Classes & Prestige Classes

Human Ethnic Groups
Other Races and Sub-Races
Classes & Prestige Classes
Class Ability Substitutions, Feats & Spells
Personality Traits
Tips for Character History

After choosing a race, determine your character's class.
One this page I have included three files you can download.  The first two files are spreadsheet indexes that list the name of the class or PrC, the product source, page number, and a brief description.  The product sources listed are only those books that I personally have.  If you are interested in a listed class or PrC but do not own the product, I can also give you a photocopy or email it to you. 
If you are interested in a class or PrC from a product that is not listed or I don't own, either bring me a photocopy or email me the complete write-up from the source material.  Please use only published 3.5 edition D&D or d20 fantasy (third party) products.  I do not accept personal and/or unpublished creations.  For example, nothing from a message board where the class or PrC might be broken or hasn't been play-tested.  Finally, I will need to review the class or PrC in order to determine if they are feasible within the campaign.  As always, a good character history will help convince me :)
Keep in mind that some products might be 3.0 and, therefore, may not be appropriate.
The third file is a product key to help identify the abbreviated products in the first two files.  It only lists products that I have.

Consolidated Class Index

Consolidated PrC Index

Product Key