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John's Vitamin Protocol

John takes a few vitamins. Studies suggest that specific vitamins can benefit the child with Down syndrome. There is an increasingly good body of evidence to suggest that increased oxidative stress is involved in Down syndrome. Therefore, it makes sense that using antioxidant nutrients to scavenge oxygen-derived free radicals may ameliorate some of the complications of Down syndrome.

Many are seeing improvements by taking supplements that are formulated specifically for the child with Down syndrome. For instance, the vitamin supplement, Nutrivene D. John took Nutrivene D for awhile, but we found that the methyl agents in that vitamin supplement were too strong for him. We, along with his first grade teacher, noticed that he was losing function. He was also suffering from depression and anxiety. Focus was gone. It was just awful. At that time we decided to try taking the Nutrivene away, and just supplementing with a few antioxidants. The very next day his teacher raved about the improvement in him. We had told her nothing of our "experiment." We later discovered that John's reactions were symptoms of over-methylation.

John's protocol as of 12/6/08:

Vitamin C for antioxidant protection.

Zinc supports the thyroid

CoQ10 - antioxidant. Supports the cardiovascular system by helping meet the heart's demanding energy needs and by acting as an antioxidant that protects the heart tissue from the harmful effects of free radicals.

Magnesium (Natural Calm) - aids in digestion, energy production, muscle function, activation of B vitamins, creation of new cells, assisting in the functions of the heart, kidneys, adrenals, brain and nervous system.

Evening Primrose Oil - provides GLA - those lacking GLA have weight problems, muscle loss, energy loss, suppressed immune function, and are generally less healthy. Stress, western lifestyle and diet, and age lead to a deficiency in GLA. John's immune system became much stronger after beginning Evening Primrose Oil. A rash he'd had for 6 months cleared up after 3 days.

GABA - an amino acid that helps keep the brain's chemistry in balance. Amino acid deficiencies occur when we are under long periods of stress, anxiety, depression or pain. Stress effects the limbic system, or the "feelings" part of the brain, and uses available neurotransmitters such as GABA. The brain is then bombarded by anxiety signals. This causes you to become anxious, tense, and out of control.

Acetyl-l-Carnitine - Removes lipofuscin deposits in heart and brain. Retards the decline of NMDA neurotransmitter receptors that naturally occurs as we age. Slows the rate of mDNA damage. Helps ferry fatty acids from the bloodstream into the mitochondria, supporting patients with congestive heart failure. Slows or reverses the decline in cholinergic receptors that comes with normal aging. Helps maintain a good memory. Enhances the release of the neurotransmitter, dopamine and improves dopamine's binding to its receptors. Improves attention span and improves the mood. Helps inhibit neuronal degeneration seen in neuropathy. Enhances short-term, long-term and spatial memory, as well as verbal ability.

Probiotics - Probiotic bacterial cultures are intended to assist the body's naturally occurring gut flora, an ecology of microbes, to re-establish themselves. They are sometimes recommended by doctors, and, more frequently, by nutritionists after a course of antibiotics, or as part of the treatment for gut related candidiasis. Claims are made that probiotics strengthen the immune system to combat allergies, stress, exposure to toxic substances, and other diseases.

Digestive Enzymes - Children with Down syndrome may be deficient in digestive enzymes and experience malabsorption problems. Supplementing with digestive enzymes may help nutrients to be better absorbed from the daily intake of foods and dietary supplements.

John also takes 3 homeopathic remedies:

Serotoninum - The child with Down syndrome sometimes has difficulty utilizing serotonin. This remedy, taken first thing in the morning and last thing at night, reminds the body to "take care of business."

Thymus - A healthy thymus will normalize the ratio of T-helper cells to suppresser cells. The thymus gland controls the immune system.

GABA - To assist this system in utilizing available GABA efficiently.

We also are careful with John's diet. He gets very little sugar, and very little fried foods. We use coconut oil and olive oil to cook with. He also gets very little dairy product.