Ease Day to Day (EDD) living hardships: Provide financial assistance on a monthly
basis to those do not have capability to work (physically or mentally challenged or senility). The assistance should help
to survive the harsh economic adversaries for basic necessities like food, cloth, medication and shelter.
Results: No visible outcome
is expected from this effort. The only measurable outcome will be that the recipient will have a little better life than his/her
recent past.
Ineligibility: Any false information or abuse of this
assistance may result
in termination of assistance. He/she will be ineligible for any future assistance.
Assist Medical Necessities
(AMN): Freedom Fighters or dependents living with medical conditions may get one time assistance
for one or multiple time procedures. Again individual cases will be considered by Board. Board to decide in case of need of
a follow up medical procedure.
Expected Results: The obvious outcome is the recovery or relief of the patient and live a better life.
Ineligibility: Board will decide the ineligibility.