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Project 1971 Details

Goal: The major goal of this project is to provide assistance to economically challenged Freedom Fighters of 1971 Bangladesh Independence war and their immediate families. 

Major goal can be sub divided into 4 primary sub-goals as outlined here.

Ease Day to Day (EDD) living hardships: Provide financial assistance on a monthly basis to those do not have capability to work (physically or mentally challenged or senility). The assistance should help to survive the harsh economic adversaries for basic necessities like food, cloth, medication and shelter.

Expected Results: No visible outcome is expected from this effort. The only measurable outcome will be that the recipient will have a little better life than his/her recent past.

Ineligibility: Any false information or abuse of this assistance may result in termination of assistance. He/she will be ineligible for any future assistance.

Assist Medical Necessities (AMN): Freedom Fighters or dependents living with medical conditions may get one time assistance for one or multiple time procedures. Again individual cases will be considered by Board. Board to decide in case of need of a follow up medical procedure.

Expected Results: The obvious outcome is the recovery or relief of the patient and live a better life.

Ineligibility: Board will decide the ineligibility.

Assist for Self  Dependency (ASD) : People with ability to work will be assisted with one time lump sum to start a small business or home project to earn his/her family’s living. The financial assistance may come in installments or one time as determined by the Board.

Expected Results: Expansion or sustenance (the minimum) of the business. Bi yearly review by board will track the progress.

Ineligibility: Failing once will disqualify the recipient for future assistance. One exception MAY be made by Board. But there can NOT be any exception after second failure. 

 Assist in Pursuing Education (APE): Children of  Freedom Fighters may get financial assistance either to continue or re-start their education. The amount and duration will be determined by Board based on individual circumstances.

Expected Results: Continuation of education after restarting or going for next level of education is a measure of outcome and success.

Ineligibilty: Student’s educational performance should be equal or better. Discontinuation of education will disqualify for ongoing or future assistance.

Mission and Objectives               AMRA TOMADER BHULBONA                           Donor Relations

Ak Sagor Roktayr Binimoye
Banglar Swadhinata Anlay Jara