Favorite Links

My Journey of Faith
Testimonies of Others
Our New Miracle Baby...Natasha Giselle!!
The One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic Church
The Bible, A Catholic Book
Our Heavenly Family - The Saints
We Are a People of LIFE!!
A People of Prayer
Our Blessed Mother's Page
Daniel's Page/The Seven Sorrows of Mary
In Memory of Daniel Keith Tyler
Scriptural Rosary - Joyful Mysteries
Scriptural Rosary - Luminous Mysteries
Scriptural Rosary - Sorrowful Mysteries
Scriptural Rosary - Glorious Mysteries
Divine Mercy Chaplet
My Local Church
Lyrics to Favorite Hymns
Favorite Links
Prayer Requests

Here are some other web sites that I'd like to share with you.

Below is a great site for praying and chatting with other Catholics around the world.  You will meet MANY wonderful, kind, holy people here, especially if you find the room open called, "Catholic, What We Believe and Why".  Wonderful people and administrator in Trainorsr.  Great discussion on the Catholic Faith in this room.   (Directions: when you have signed onto PalTalk:  CLICK the ROOMS tab at the top, scroll down to the CHRISTIANITY Section and CLICK on it...then choose a Catholic room - ESPECIALLY..."Catholic, What We Believe and WHY.!!) 

Paltalk Chat Rooms

Below is a great site for Bible Study courses offered online.  Dr. Scott Hahn is the founder and President of the St Paul Center for Biblical Studies.

St Paul Center for Biblical Studies

Favorite Sites:

Many friends who share my faith have either created web sites or have their own favorite sites. I encourage you to visit them also:

Some more wonderful prayer sites:

Great Reference Sites

Here you will find excellent sites on the belief and practices of the Catholic Church.

If you notice any broken links, let me know. Also let me know about your own favorite sites!
Please email me at:  TotusTuus1958@verizon.net

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(Totally Yours, to Jesus through Mary)