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Tagging with CTDYNE

This page will contain descriptions and images from the latest outdoor events the CTDYNE group was lucky enough to particapate in.

Scroll down for the latest from CTDYNE in the field.

                                  Fort Worden 2008
                             Operation Artillery Hill 
               Here are the images and description of
                  the first CTDYNE event of 2008.

The first 2008 Laser Tag event at Fort Worden was held in January. Operation Artillery Hill was a three day Family get together/laser tag outing that started Friday 1/18/2008. This event was sponsored by CTDYNE and turned out great. All participants stayed at the fort in on-site housing used as headquarters for the event. Although the weather was cold and slightly damp on Saturday. The group did not let a little drizzle stop the fun.
 All the necessary info for participating in Operation Artillery Hill was contained in a classified folder given out to each participant one month before the event. Not only the who, when and where info was enclosed in each folder, but also top secret mission objectives, maps, intell files on possible opposition and appropriate images for the event.
 The goal of the operation was to recon Artillery hill, locate the two well armed individuals who where guarding an area specified on the map, neutralize the threat, then locate and recover 16 power pods (camouflage plastic eggs) hidden at a general location shown on the map. In each power pod was a stub of paper that was redeemable for prizes upon the teams return to HQ. Some of the gifts included large chocolate bars, a large tin of chocolate, different types of tactical flashlights, cash in $5, $10 and $20 amounts and the grand prize was a new custom built CTDYNE V-2 tagger.
 This was a fun game and the attacking force of thirteen was quite tricky in the tactics used when advancing to the spot shown on the map, where the two defenders were waiting. In fact, most of the force was not seen until it was too late and the defenders were eliminated very quickly in spite of their superior fire power. Then the hunt was on in a well marked lower level of the fort for the sixteen power pods. It did not take long before all the pods were recovered in spite of the total darkness in some areas.
 After the recon/recover portion of Operation Artillery Hill was complete, we moved to a different area of the fort with three levels and started to enjoy some great games of tag. After about four hours we were all a little cold so we went back to HQ at the fort and proceeded to eat, warm up and redeem the stubs found in each pod for the cool prizes. Everyone seemed to enjoy the gifts. One lucky guy was awarded the CTDYNE custom tagger at his first ever laser tag event!
Later that evening a group of seven hard core laser tag enthusiasts embarked on a night operation in one of the three level forts. Because of the complete darkness the group decided to limit the night contests to the lower level only. Also we tried to stay in groups of two when possible. Each participant was required to have a flashlight on at least one tagger. In addition some used a red LED light, so as not to give away their position.
 We got in eight games and found that the actual area we used at night to be very small. Usually only half the lower level was used. As happened last time, the games were much slower than a day game and many participants had a hard time containing their fear in the total darkness, until a confrontation occurred. Typically once a target was encountered all combatants converged on the area and a sizable fire fight with much screaming would follow, usually ending that game.
 On more than one occasion during the night operations a participant would slowly turn a corner in a very stealth like fashion for cover, and when stopped in suitable location for an ambush would suddenly realize that there was already someone there, only inches away in the complete darkness! Usually the entrenched opponent would then whisper something that would totally unnerve the second player. The two players were usually so close that the red lights from their V-2 targets going off, as a fire fight ensued, would be reflected off of each others faces. Spooky!
 Everyone seemed to have good time and a few of the new players are ready for more laser tag fun and excitement. Can't wait until next time. Here are a few images from Operation Artillery Hill.
Yellowjacket, out.

Here is one of the folders passed out to the participants in December

The classified folder contained all the info for a successful operation

The top secret envelope contained the mission objectives

This is where the two defenders made their stand

The area where the pods were hidden was clearly marked

This is how many of the pods were placed. All were in plan sight, but not this easy to see

The threat nutrelized, the team heads for the hidden power pods

Everyone checks out their pods to see what is inside

Recovery operations completed, the players pose for a group shot

This team makes good use of the multiple levels. One gets off a good shot, while the other covers

The Firestorm is great for those who like to stay back from the battle and take the long shots

Some of the crew waits for a game to end

Here the new CTDYNE custom V-2 tagger is presented to the proud owner. This is the second one of these models produced at CTDYNE. The first was built back in 1991. The preformance of this new unit is vastly improved over the first model.



The five images below show the new custom V-2 tagger given away during Operation Artillery Hill. This CTDYNE custom tagger includes the red dot scope and flashlight. The main body is all that is needed to play tag. The stock and target acquisition module are optional. The replacement two inch lens and TSAL-6100 infrared LED give this tagger great range. During a range testing session at night, the new owner hit a target all the way across the main parade grounds at the fort!







I was out of one game early so I tried to capture a few images of the night games. I had no idea what I was going to get when I took this picture. I just pointed the camera at a sound and pushed the button. These two stuck close and covered their position well. I was chastised for using the flash during the night operations, as I gave away the players position and caused them to be temporarily blinded to the point that they could not see to navigate, even when using their flashlights.

Causality of Operation Artillery Hill
They don't all make it out. This V-2 target was pulverized when one of the participants went down.

Sun up, Sunday morning, January 20, 2008
I love the smell of Fort Worden in the morning. It smells like... Victory.