Sonex #318

Tools and Shop
Tail Feathers
Flaps and Ailerons
Wing Skins
Wing Assembly
Forward Fuse - Assy
AFT Fuse-Side Panels
AFT Fuse-Assy
Final Fuse-Assy
Event Photos
First Flight

N924WT Sonex #318 FLIES!



Mr. Tony Spicer in his plans built Sonex #32
(notice the gun mounts)


This web site is in no way a publication of Sonex, Ltd. or any other corporation.  All products mentioned are not necessarily recommended for use, but are included for informational purposes only.  All builder's tips and supplemental instructions represent only the means by which other builders choose to build their craft.  Builders tips and instructions are not meant to replace the plans and instructions from Sonex, Ltd.. All Builder's tips and instructions are presented only as a source of information and a forum for exchange and the sharing of ideas and construction methods. NO responsibility or liability is assumed, expressed, or implied as to the suitability,
accuracy, safety, or approval thereof.  Any party using the suggestions, ideas, instructions or examples on this page does so at their own risk and discretion and without recourse against anyone.  The editor of this page is not responsible for any product builder's tips misuse, incorrect construction, or design failure, nor any other peril.  Any material from this page may be reprinted without permission for non-commercial use, but please give credit to the author.  Re-use of any material from the pages within this web site (text or graphics) for commercial gain is expressly prohibited without prior written permission from the web page administrator and original author, artist or owner of the specific item being re-used.

I started my plans built project in 2003 after seeing and flying Eric Scheppers Sonex at the Arlington Fly-In in 2002.  I knew then the Sonex was what I was looking for.  I had flown the Zenith and found it to be a very docile plane, too docile.  I had flown the Glastar and loved it but I really didn't like the price or the glass work it involved.  I bought a set of "used" plans to get started on the Sonex but I took the next year to get my pilots license while I gathered up most of the materials that was needed.  I build when time allows me to.  I love my two kids and have a great time coaching their sports teams along with the trips to swimming lessons, Scouts, Brownies, and school functions.  To be honest sometimes its weeks before anything gets done on the plane but my family comes first.  I also have a small business doing product development and design called Weber Technical that keeps me very busy and clients always have deadlines that just have to be met.  Despite all of that I have managed to keep building and things are slowly showing progress.  I hope you enjoy browsing the pictures!


UPDATE:  After years of contract product design work out of my home I have recently taking a "real job" in the corporate world.  Since then I have been able to spend much more time working on the Sonex while stillnot ignoring my family and church duties.  Things are moving pretty fast right now and that makes me a happy camper.  I look forward to a first flight before 2009!

Proud to be an Association of Short Sonex Owners member
Contact me directly if you think you qualify to become a Assocition of Short Sonex Owners member.
